This weeks digi dare
is hosted by Tangie and as is the norm for her-a thought provoking challenge. The challenge asks that a conversation be recorded somehow and that part of that conversation be used for the title. So as I say good by to one of the few teachers I have felt close to, I thought back over the conversations that we and others have had about her-with her. This is a woman who believes, as I do, in the goodness, worth, and amazing ability of our students. Many teachers really concentrate on the misbehaviour of their students, and forget why they decided to teach-or maybe they just decided to teach for a different reason than I did. Don't misunderstand, I do believe that students must be held accountable, but I see them as a positive in my life-rather than a negative burden. My Pollyanna, as her tears illustrates also believes in the possibilities and she will miss the opportunity to be a part of the wonders of education.
So this little represetation highlights one of those first conversations-the one in which the other teachers came close to mocking this wonderful person by labeling her a Pollyanna-and of course, in those first few days, when I was just getting to know my co-workers, I immediately felt a bond with this wonderful Pollyanna-because I knew I wasnt the only one! But now, I question my ability to keep my focus on the goodness as the Pollyannas of the educational system retire...
Credits-Impressions of Whimsy-available at Scrapbook Graphics (I used mostly Studio Berna)